A volunteer office and board and board of directors

Since 2016, Olivier Pagezy – who had already been ensuring that the association was managed smoothly since 2003 as treasurer – has been chairing the association. With his extensive and varied background, Olivier Pagezy has solid experience in finance, in both the public and private sectors. At the association’s office, he is supported by a vice-president, a position occupied since 2019 by the former French Navy Admiral Marc de Briançon; a treasurer, a secretary and a certified member, positions occupied respectively by Vladimir Ménard (elected in September 2019), Guy Gautreau (speaker of the association) and Daniel Ridoret (president of the Fondation Hermione).Four representatives of partner communities are also members of the Office: Hervé Blanché (City of Rochefort), Sylvie Marcilly (Charente-Maritime Departmental Council), Alain Burnet (Rochefort Océan Agglomeration Community) and Christelle Pieuchot (Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region).

Alongside them, we’d also like to mention the approved members of the Board of Directors: Tiphaine Gauthier, Pierre Gras, Evelyne Guérard, Michel Métais, Frédéric Moncany de Saint Aignan, Daniel Peyron and Sabine Renault-Sablonière. Three Board members were elected at the September 2019 General Assembly: Jean Flahaut and Jean-Dominique Lamy, representing members, and Pauline Bord (for the company L’Histoire Retrouvée), representing member companies. René Peter, representative of Charente Maritime, is an approved guest member (without voting rights) of the Board while Françoise Jouanneau is an honorary member.

A team of employees that oversees the Association everyday

At Rochefort, Emilie Beau, executive director since January 2019, leads a team of around twenty professionals who practically implement the decisions made by the Board. Succeeding Maryse Vital (chief executive from 1992 to 2017) and Bertrand Sallé de Chou (chief executive from 2017 to 2018), she carries out the association’s key missions with her team of employees. The ship’s captain Yann Cariou and the armament captain Gilles Bossard provide their expertise on the frigate’s navigational front.

Des bénévoles investis toute l’année aux côtés des salariés

Grâce à l’investissement à terre de toute une équipe très motivée de bénévoles et à l’implication des gabiers volontaires, l’association réussit à mener à bien ses missions.