Hermione voyage 2018 - Libres ensemble, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean



With 274 million French-speakers around the world, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) aims to create active solidarity between the 80 French-speaking States and governments – over a third of the Member States in the United Nations. Its objective is contributing to improving the lives of these peoples by helping them become key players in their own development.


Operating across five continents, the OIF initiates political and cooperative action in all areas that involve the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity; education and training; sustainable development and solidarity. The OIF is particularly attentive to young people and women in its global actions.


As part of her partnership with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the Hermione takes close to 100 young people from French-speaking countries aboard as volunteer boatswains.

Stopovers 2018

January, 30th

Départ de Rochefort

The moorings are cast off. The Hermione sets sail.

The public came in great numbers to greet the departure of the three-masted ship from Rochefort.

The emotion is palpable both on the bridge and on the quayside.

Slowly, she leaves the basin, turns to starboard and reaches the river.

A few cannon shots, a last foghorn blast, the Hermione says goodbye before leaving

From 1st to 20 february

La Rochelle

March 1st

Gros temps au large du Portugal

L’Hermione encountered extreme conditions as soon as she left the Bay of Biscay. A violent low-pressure system forced her to cross the Strait of Gibraltar and find refuge near the Spanish enclave of Ceuta.
from 9 to 13 march


The crew rests and discovers the rich city of Tangier.
At the same time, numerous events linked to the “Francophonie” punctuate this African stopover.
From 27 march to 2 april


From 5 to 9 april


From 12 to 16 april


From 20 to 22 april

Port Vendres

April 25th


From 27 to 29 april


From 8 to 10 may


From 23 to 27 may


From 8 to 14 june


June 17th - Rochefort